Friday, September 27, 2019

Kennedy Health System Stragegic Plan-Program Plan for Community Flu Essay

Kennedy Health System Stragegic Plan-Program Plan for Community Flu Vaccine - Essay Example 2). Latest statistics reveal that from the 2010-11 seasonal flu outbreak, there were â€Å"112 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated pediatric deaths from 33 states, Chicago, and New York City have been reported† (CDC: FluView, par. 4). Rationale for the Program: As a prelude to the National Influenza Vaccination Week scheduled for December 4 – 10, 2011, the KHS would encourage business organizations and other private and public institutions within the area to participate in the seasonal flu vaccine program. Primarily, the KHS, through its Employee Health Department would invite organizations to have their employees vaccinated for the standard fee of $22 per vaccine per employee. The benefits to the recipient would be relayed in terms of decreasing absenteeism in the workplace, increased productivity and financial gain. For KHS, the community program would enhance corporate image through social responsibility and through the promotion of wellness within the communit y. Population to be Served: Business organizations (private and public), schools, childcare providers, community health agencies, and the general public. By enjoining every citizen, 6 months and older, within the local community to be vaccinated, prevention from serious illnesses through protection from the three identified viruses would be ensured.

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